Meet the Baker

Hi, I’m Jenna, a wife and mom of two that loves my sanity. Cookies help with that! I started making holiday cookies early 2020 as something fun to do for my neighbors and family. I enjoyed decorating sugar cookies so much that I decided I wanted to keep practicing so I that could make a bumble bee set for my daughter’s first birthday. I kept going, my friends and family kept begging for more, and here we are.

I enjoy working through the process of creating a cookie set that is designed just for you and hope that you will love it just as much as I do! I often have a good playlist going that includes anything from Cat Stevens to The Shins.

In my non-cookie time, I love cooking, organizing, doing creative activities for my children or venturing through the farmer’s market. I do love to read when I can find the time or often listen to audiobooks and am always happy to discuss books!